Preservation Policy

  1. Digital and Physical Preservation:

KB Law Scholars Journal is committed to preserving both the digital and physical copies of its content.

Digital preservation includes safeguarding the journal's online archives, while physical preservation involves maintaining hard copies, if applicable.

  1. Digital Preservation Practices:

KB Law Scholars Journal will use trusted digital preservation systems and adhere to international standards and best practices, such as the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system, CLOCKSS, and the OAIS (Open Archival Information System) reference model.

  1. Archiving of Digital Content:

KB Law Scholars Journal will work to ensure that its digital content is archived by trusted organizations and digital libraries, such as national libraries, research institutions, and specialized archives.

  1. Metadata Preservation:

Metadata about articles, authors, and the journal itself will be carefully preserved to maintain the scholarly record and ensure proper attribution.

  1. File Formats and Migration:

KB Law Scholars Journal will monitor file formats used for digital content and migrate files to newer formats as necessary to avoid format obsolescence.

  1. Backup and Redundancy:

Regular backups of the journal's digital content will be maintained with off-site redundancy to guard against data loss.

  1. Disaster Recovery:

KB Law Scholars Journal will have a disaster recovery plan in place to address unforeseen events such as server failures, data corruption, or cyberattacks.

  1. Copyright and Licensing:

The journal will clearly document the licensing and copyright status of its content to ensure that the permissions and terms are preserved and respected during digital preservation.

  1. Access to Archived Content:

KB Law Scholars Journal will make its archived content accessible to the public and researchers in compliance with the principles of Open Access. Access may be provided through the journal's website or by cooperating with established archives and libraries.

  1. Transparency and Documentation:

KB Law Scholars Journal will document its preservation policies and practices, providing transparency to authors, readers, and stakeholders.

  1. Continuous Assessment and Improvement:

Preservation practices will be regularly reviewed and improved to keep pace with technological advancements and changing standards.

  1. Collaboration with Preservation Partners:

KB Law Scholars Journal may collaborate with preservation partners, institutions, or archives to strengthen the preservation of its content and contribute to the broader digital preservation community.

This policy serves as a commitment to ensuring the long-term accessibility and integrity of the scholarly content published in KB Law Scholars Journal. It aims to protect and make available the legal knowledge and research for future generations and the broader academic community.